11 months, 4 countries, 2 backpacks and one girl who decided to travel the world.

So that would be me! Hi everyone, I’m Ellie and without any particular plan I decided to buy a one way ticket to South America and stay there for almost a year. Obviously, things are going wrong sometimes, so why not to write about it and make other people laugh!

Some articles have been as well featured in Kilpi Sport blog and Lidé a Země travel magazine.

Česky Ellie Švrlanská Česky Ellie Švrlanská

Expedition Ausangate

Waking up at 4 am to embark on a 3-hour bus journey from Cusco to Seven Lagoons, the launching point for our mountain expedition.

I find I have a backpack twice the size of the others. How "unexpected". The rest of the expedition crew are normal compared to me, most likely because they don't carry a camera, two lenses, massive tripod, a GoPro with various crap that goes with it and a drone, which by the way I won't use once because of the wind.

A quick breakfast, coffee and off we go!

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