11 months, 4 countries, 2 backpacks and one girl who decided to travel the world.

So that would be me! Hi everyone, I’m Ellie and without any particular plan I decided to buy a one way ticket to South America and stay there for almost a year. Obviously, things are going wrong sometimes, so why not to write about it and make other people laugh!

Some articles have been as well featured in Kilpi Sport blog and Lidé a Země travel magazine.

English Ellie Švrlanská English Ellie Švrlanská

Six nights in a bus across northern Peru

Why is everything so far away?

Starting from Cuenca, Ecuador, I have a week to get to Cusco and travel as much of northern Peru as I can. It dawns on me pretty quickly that the only way to get this done in a week is by night buses.

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English Ellie Švrlanská English Ellie Švrlanská

Living by the beach in Ecuador

The Ecuadorian coast is often overlooked by travelers, as most of them head to the Andes or the Galapagos Islands. But I want to surf, relax by the beach and have some time to improve my Spanish.

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English Ellie Švrlanská English Ellie Švrlanská

Culture shocks and high altitude hiking

The first culture shock comes on the bus

Immediately after arriving in Quito, I run to the bus towards Otovalo. Why? It's Saturday, and every Saturday the town of Otovalo has the biggest market in Ecuador.

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English Ellie Švrlanská English Ellie Švrlanská

Let’s go South America!

11 months, 4 countries, 2 backpacks and one girl who wants to travel the world.

Hey, everybody! My name is Ellie, my backpack is almost bigger than me and although I can only say hello in Spanish so far, I'm about to travel across Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia and Chile.

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