11 months, 4 countries, 2 backpacks and one girl who decided to travel the world.

So that would be me! Hi everyone, I’m Ellie and without any particular plan I decided to buy a one way ticket to South America and stay there for almost a year. Obviously, things are going wrong sometimes, so why not to write about it and make other people laugh!

Some articles have been as well featured in Kilpi Sport blog and Lidé a Země travel magazine.

Ellie Švrlanská Ellie Švrlanská

Getting out of Peru!

Political problems, protests, strikes and blocked streets. Once the government impeached the president in early December, people started to protest all around Peru. Well, as if on cue, it is in January, when I need to get to Bolivia, that some of the biggest riots occur.

Rafael and his caravan are waiting for me in La Paz, and we're due to go on a roadtrip across Argentina and into Patagonia in two days, so I'm in quite a hurry. But how will I get to La Paz now? Buses cancelled, the whole of Cusco blocked off, streets full of fires and burnt tyres.

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Česky Ellie Švrlanská Česky Ellie Švrlanská

Expedition Ausangate

Waking up at 4 am to embark on a 3-hour bus journey from Cusco to Seven Lagoons, the launching point for our mountain expedition.

I find I have a backpack twice the size of the others. How "unexpected". The rest of the expedition crew are normal compared to me, most likely because they don't carry a camera, two lenses, massive tripod, a GoPro with various crap that goes with it and a drone, which by the way I won't use once because of the wind.

A quick breakfast, coffee and off we go!

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